BRATS Raw: Kristofferson & Schwarzkopf


BRATS Raw is a series of uncut interviews from the movie, BRATS: Our Journey Home. We have so much wonderful footage, full of poignant and provocative moments, it seems a shame to waste it. Every time we screen the BRATS film, the audience says they want more - so here is the first segment of BRATS Raw - BRATS Raw: Kristofferson & Schwarzkopf.

Kris Kristofferson and the late General Norman Schwarzkopf are two American icons. They are also military brats; Kris is an Air Force Brat and General Schwarzkopf was raised in the Army. In BRATS Raw, Kris and the General explore their own journeys as American military brats; sons of soldiers, who then went on to join the military and raise their own brats.


Norman Schwarkzopf, at a Heidelberg High School dance. Courtesy of Shirley Allen.

Norman Schwarkzopf, at a Heidelberg High School dance. Courtesy of Shirley Allen.

General Schwarzkopf describes his adventures in Iran, where he lived with his father just after World War II, before attending a DoD school in Heidelberg and an international school in Switzerland. Kris recalls the difficulty he had telling his mother he was turning down a teaching assignment at West Point to try his hand at songwriting in Nashville. BRATS Raw is a rare glimpse into the childhoods and personal lives of two military brats who have shaped America's future.

Kristofferson Family. From L to R, Kris Kristofferson, father Luis Henry Kristofferson, sister Karen Kristofferson Kirschenbauer, brother Kraigher Kristofferson, and mother Mary Ann Ashbrook, Courtesy of Kris Kristofferson.

Kristofferson Family. From L to R, Kris Kristofferson, father Luis Henry Kristofferson, sister Karen Kristofferson Kirschenbauer, brother Kraigher Kristofferson, and mother Mary Ann Ashbrook, Courtesy of Kris Kristofferson.

Here is a a more extended segment (low res version) of Kris Kristofferson's interview

 You can also order a DVD copy of BRATS RAW: Kristofferson & Schwarzkopf online. If you order a copy of BRATS Raw together with BRATS: Our Journey Home, you get $5 off. All proceeds go to the nonprofit, Brats Without Borders.

the trailer

Here is a (currently low resolution) trailer for BRATS Raw: Kristofferson & Schwrazkopf.